Everything you need to sell our products


Here you will find our current price lists in various formats


Product Photography

Here you can find our product and website images


Logos & Styleguide

Here you will find media that will help you sell our products.

News at a glance

An overview of new products, updates and the latest designs


You have the option of providing us with a shipping label, or we can charge you a fixed rate per shipment. We will then take care of processing and shipping your orders. Direct-To-Customer has never been easier!

Daten zu unseren Produkten

Productfeeds / Live Data

You can also connect your website or shop directly to us, for example by using our CSV data feed.

[Please note the "Availability" field is coded "0" and "1". Where "0" = Not available and "1" = Available. ]

German Datafeed:


English Datafeed:


If you need adjustments or other data feeds, e.g. XML, RSS, JSON then contact us.


If you sell on Amazon, you can easily appear there as a dealer for our products. You can find a list of all our Amazon ASINs via the link. It is very important that you do not create new product listings for our products, but use our existing listings / ASINs. This saves you time and avoids problems. If you need any support or have questions, please contact our team.

Click here to get to the ASIN list

Find our amazon Store here

Lager Übersicht | Warehouse Overview

Hier siehst kannst du einen direkten Einblick in unser Lager sehen. Der Bersicht ist immer aktuell und kann Dir dabei helfen zu sehen, was bei uns verfügbar ist - ohne dass du bei uns nachfragen musst.

Here you have a direct insight into our warehouse. The overview is always up to date and can help you see what we have available - without having to ask us.


Products with visual damages - with big discounts

Discontinued Items

Special series and discontinued Items - at highly reduced prices