Individual Concepts
Since our founding, our focus has been on customer-specific solutions. That's why we produce cases for many musical instrument manufacturers. Our offer ranges from standard to very individual cases. We can create a completely unique collection for you or you can choose from existing Jakob Winter designs
Brand Concepts
We develop your case together with you - this way you can stand out from all competitors and realize your exact ideas. You can contact us either with a finished concept or just a rough idea. Our strength lies in product development
Angepasste Designs
Alle unsere Jakob Winter Modelle können mit deinem Logo und anderen Designelementen ausgestattet werden. Dies erfordert nur geringe Entwicklungs- und Werkzeugkosten und ist bei geringen Mindestbestellmengen möglich.
Custom Colors
Custom Logo
Custom Exteriors
How does it go from here?
Contact our team to discuss your project.